You may not create a save file in game, enable insert SD card, or have any wiimotes active in the wiimote, settings menu, either of those options will cause a desync, where both of you will be seeing different games. (can find by googling "dolphin dc netplay") You must be using dolphin revision 4.0-648 or 4.0-652. Here is the IRC channel in which you can ask any question regarding PM on dolphin and find matches I'm usually in it: Netplay allows you to play PM online with very little lag. More sidenotes if you decide to play online via Netplay. I'm WeggieNinja, your friendly neighborhood gaming ninja I like to make videos on the games I play, such as Overwatch, Destiny, Halo, and many more.

You can find the md5 checker by googling "winmd5". If you have the wrong one, then you did something wrong and you'll have to build the iso again. When I refer to an md5 code, that is your isos, specific code related to the settings. iso, KSBx-Custom, yes (pick the options 1, 1, 2, 1, in that order) 3- Copy the downloaded files to your sd (You should have a codes, an apps and a private folder on your sd + a boot.elf) 4- Boot brawl, put the sd card on it, load the stage builder. Now, with Dolphin, the IOS36.wad needs to be installed, which I've already done so that's non-issue, however, no matter how many.
When you run the builder, you should choose the settings as follows: Project M. Is Project M compatible with a Japanese copy on a NTSC-U Wii without the use of Gecko-OS, just using an alternative way. So, many people have had success running mods for Brawl such as Brawl Minus, Project M, etc using a raw SD card image, Dolphin, and the Brawl/RSBE01 ISO image all with Gecko OS with success. You must have an ntsc brawl iso, and it must be in the same location as your PM iso, even after the build. Some sidenotes not included in this guide:

Once you have the PM iso you just run it like any other iso. Here's a guide I made to making a 3.02 PM iso: M 3.02 Build Guide